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Chinese translation for "plaster cast"


Related Translations:
plaster:  n.1.胶泥,灰泥,涂墙泥。2.石膏,(尤指)熟石膏〔又叫 plaster of Paris〕。3.【医学】膏药。短语和例子adhesive plaster 橡皮膏。 court plaster 英国橡皮膏。 a plaster figure 石膏像。 plaster of Paris 烧石膏,熟石膏。vt.1.涂胶泥于;(厚厚地)涂抹;用奶油[发油等]涂 (with)。2
plastering:  n.1.泥水工作。2.石膏制品。3.贴膏药。4.(葡萄酒的)加石膏除酸。
land plaster:  石膏肥料。
mustard plaster:  芥末软膏。
plaster stone:  (生)石膏。
sticking plaster:  橡皮膏。
adhesive plaster:  橡皮膏。
paris plaster:  塑模石膏。
burnt plaster:  焦石膏。
plaster board:  【建筑】灰胶纸拍板。
Example Sentences:
1.Medical instruments ; plaster cast spreader type henning
2.The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast
3.The boy , binbin , appeared at the event . his leg was still in a plaster cast , but he looked much better
4.The workers covered the broken bone with a very thick plaster cast , which i believe would not keep it from moving on gracefully
5.Queen victoria insisted on being buried with the bathrobe of her long - dead husband , prince albert , and a plaster cast of his hand
6.A doctor diagnosed a broken second lumbar vertebra in his spine and a disjointed left ankle . then the doctor immediately placed the ankle in a plaster cast and prescribed some bone - healing medicine , but brother wang was concerned about taking the pills since they contained animal ingredients
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